I'm Sure We're Gonna Make It - Punk In The Netherlands 1976-1982
by Jerry Goossens & Jeroen  Vedder
184 pages, softcover, 17x24 cm

'I'm sure we're gonna make it' is the first time English edition of the 1996 book 'Het gejuich was massaal', detailing punk in the Netherlands from 1976 to 1982 from Jeroen Vedder and Jerry Goossens. It is also the first time, as far as I know, that there is an English language book on the subject. There is a foreword by Richard Forster, and Hubert van Hoof updated his 1996 intro to a 2021 version. This book is 184 pages, with full-colour photos, record covers, a fanzine section, and all of this lovingly designed by Studio Bertin.

Price: The Netherlands/Germany: 27,50 euro postpaid  / Rest of the World: please send an email for the actual postage
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